If you own a business, lighting should be one of your most careful aspects. The first impression of a client is always based on the aesthetic appearance that it presents and this is where the light comes in. This factor is capable of creating the environment you are looking for. This does not guarantee the sale but it does help you avoid having an initial refusal due to a bad first impression. In 60% of cases the first impression is vital.
Before starting with the tricks you must be clear about a couple of things: what is your business looking for, Who do you want to attract attention? Do you really know, what is your audience? When you are clear about these concepts you can begin to shape our tricks.
1: Decide correctly on your type of lighting
In your business we can distinguish three types of levels according to which we will have to take into account the type of lighting. Let’s start with the simple. General lighting, also called ambient lighting. In it we will look for a very wide beam of light that allows us to have uniform lighting.
A space without shadows that encourages us to walk calmly. More specifically, we will find the accent or focal light that we will use to highlight elements using reduced aperture spotlights that concentrate the light. A perfect example for this point would be that dress from the new collection that seems the most to us. Finally, theworklight . Aesthetic values do not enter into it. It is used in areas where light does not allow us to carry out our task effectively. This type of lighting is very convenient in companies such as teaching academies.
When deciding what type of lighting is best for your business, it is likely that the winner of the battle will be LED. It offers a great variety for both decoration and effective lighting. You should get good advice and if you have any questions, you know that you can count on us.
2: Reflect the image of your brand through lighting
As a result of the concepts we mentioned before, you should clarify one of your goals is to reflect the brand through lighting. The color, intensity and even the arrangement of light can define the sensations that a space transmits. A technology company must seek cleanliness in its lines and will achieve this through neutral or cold tones. On the contrary, a small boutique or cafe will need to highlight its products with warmer lights.
3: Adapt the color temperature
Depending on the type of client you are looking for, you should adapt the color temperature of your business. Cold lighting attracts young people and creates a feeling of spaciousness. On the contrary, warmer light creates a cozy atmosphere that is usually more liked by more mature customers who seek tranquility when making their purchases.
4: Integrate lights into your shelves
The following trick very aggressively increases the sales of your business. You must integrate lights on the shelves where you display your products to draw your customer’s attention to them. The best lighting for this situation would be LED lights, they have low consumption and do not emit heat. This is a point that is often overlooked and is actually quite important.
5: Change the light tones
On the other hand, you should also change the light tones that you have in your store. Depending on the type of store you have, these tone changes are highly recommended. For example in jewelry stores. Gold looks more with warm tones while silver or diamonds look more with neutral tones.
Another case, a supermarket. In this we would use one tone to attract and the other to sell more. With the warm tone at the beginning we encourage you to enter while the cold lighting inside invites us to stay longer.
6: Bring the customer’s attention to the product
As we talked about before about accent lights, you must use them and be able to highlight what you want your eyes to see. customers, draws their attention to the product. You should especially highlight the offers and your promotions. A great option is multi-angle LED spotlights. They allow you to adjust the opening angle and customize the lighting of the space to the maximum.
7: Make your showcase shine
Finally, another great forgotten item, like the shelves, is the storefront of a business. Your showcase must shine. Use high-contrast lighting to create dynamism. This way, you will attract future clients; if you draw attention from the outside, you increase the likelihood that they will come in.
With all these tips and tricks, start creating a unique environment so that your business looks better than ever.