7 Reasons to switch to LED

Even with the high penetration of LED in all areas of life, there are still sectors that resist. It is curious that the sectors that benefit the most from LED technology sometimes take longer to adopt it. Today we are going to talk about Paddle Spots and other outdoor sports. This type of luminaire needs a lot of light power, which is equivalent to a lot of energy consumption, which is why LED spotlights are presented as the savingsalternative. /strong> perfect. That is why the number of metal halide padel lights that still illuminate the courts is surprising.
The quality and intensity of light on sports courts is regulated by the N.I.D.E regulations (Regulations on Sports and Leisure Facilities). It establishes the light levels necessary for the correct development of the sport. N.I.D.E Standards

Lux levels in Paddle Courts

As for the way to achieve this light, basically, we have two ways to achieve it: LED Paddle Spotlights and Metal Halide. In this post we are going to analyze the two types of spotlights and we will verify that there are more than enough reasons to switch to LED in the lighting of our sports fields.


European Union Regulation 2015/1428 FROM THE COMMISSION of August 25, 2015. Since last September 1, 2016, the EU bans the manufacture of halogen bulbs, which will disappear from the market throughout this year 2018.


LED bulbs consume 50% less than halide lights. The LED is the system that best optimizes the energy it consumes. This is due to its operation. The way LEDs emit light is by passing small voltages through a semiconductor. In this way, energy is not wasted to generate heat, but is used almost entirely to create light.


  • Halides: The estimated duration, between 20,000 and 22,000 hours.
  • LED: Between 20,000 and 50,000 hours. Eye!!! It is not advisable to buy Low-quality LED Spotlights since these durations can drop considerably, even below 10,000 hours.


  • The more LED padel lights last, the more savings are producedHalides: 90 lm/W with the new lamp. The light loss curve is brutal the first year of use and can drop by half (50%).
  • LED: Around 100 lm/W for the LED spotlights and 130 lm/w for the latest generation LED spotlights from Óptima LED, dropping to 70% of the luminosity at 90,000h


The LED reproduces natural colors better (CRI). This translates into better assimilation by the human eye. Thus, we are able to see more naturally and avoid eye fatigue.



If we compare the energy cost of halide spotlights, taking into account a price of 15 euro cents, a use of 5 hours a day, 8 spotlights with a brightness equivalent to the latest generation LED spotlights from Óptima LED, with 130 lm /W, we see the difference between:

a. Consumption of 130 Lm/W LED spotlights is €480 per year.
b. Consumption necessary to achieve the same light with halide bulbs. €1,036 per year.

In addition, the possibility of saving about €200 per year on contracted power.

As a result of all this we obtain annual savings around €756.Energy Savings with LED paddle lights


Since the LED Paddle Lights do not have mercury or tungsten, two very polluting materials. In addition, they reduce CO2 emissions by 70% compared to halides.

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