We already know and have seen in other articles that the LED can help you increase the sales of your business or even get take care of your image . Today we show you how LED can also help performance and your ability to concentrate. If you want it to be less difficult for you to retain what you read, this is your post.
We tell you how to use the LED for this purpose in your home, where much of the studying and reading takes place.
There is documented research on the subject, such as that of a group of specialists from the South Korea Institute of Science and Technology, which demonstrates the influence of light at the time of study. The University of Nebrija has also carried out a study in this regard focused on school performance.
We give you several tips so that your lighting is adequate and increases your retention and concentration.
Before you pick up the book and start studying, Look at the angle of your light! The lamp must be adapted to your height once you are seated and ready to start studying. You should not create shadows over your head or hands. For this reason, we recommend that if you are right-handed, place the lamp on the left or if you are left-handed, place it on the right.
You should prevent the light from producing reflections, since this damages and tires your eyes, which leads to dispersion and does not help you when it comes to concentrating.
We recommend a light that comes from an article or product with an articulated arm. This way you can direct the light beam exactly to the right place, avoiding the annoying reflections we talked about previously.
When choosing the luminaire, the battle champion is the LED. If we want to concentrate while saving, the LED will become our best friend. Creates really pleasant and comfortable lighting for the eyes.
What type of light to use?
Cold light favors concentration, it is more similar to natural light and is less tiring to the eyes. Cool colors in lighting are recommended for precision tasks, such as reading or studying. On the contrary, warm light is recommended for rest areas, such as the dining room table to eat in a cozy atmosphere or in the leisure area of the living room, to watch television in a relaxed way, creating a rest area.
We must be careful with only one thing, studying at night. At these times, our brain will remain alert under cold light, which could cause sleep problems. If we need to study at night we must vary the type of lighting looking for a neutral light.
We must also take into account the Chromatic Rendering Index which allows us a more or less faithful reproduction of the colors. Our goal is to avoid the distractions that would come from intense color reproduction, so we are interested in the CRI of our light being high.
Lastly, but not least, the number of lumens per square meter (lux) has an influence on our study. For our purpose, it is recommended to use spotlights that have between 400 and 500 lux. To give you an idea of the amount of light level we were talking about, in a hallway an illuminance amount of 50 is recommended, 150 lux in a waiting room… Even in a kitchen where we work with our hands and tools. About 300 lux are recommended. The amount that we propose is equivalent to the minimum luminance required in a minor surgery room. If you are interested in knowing which bulb is the most suitable, do not miss our article: What< /span> light bulb do I need? In it, you will know which light fixture you need in each part of your house.
With the help of this type of technology it should be easier for us to concentrate when studying, so now you know, set yourself your next challenge.
If you need advice, contact us and an expert from Óptima LED will be happy to advise you.