It is important to know How LED Lamps Work if we want to really understand all their benefits.

To understand it better, let’s see the composition of an LED lamp. This is made up of LEDs, which are nothing more than diodes that emit light. These diodes, when electricity is passed through them, emit a faint light. What LED technology does is group different diodes on the same board so that, in this way, with the sum of all these dim lighting, they form an LED.

In this way, it is possible to adjust the intensity and constancy of the light. The main characteristic that diodes have is that, since they are many «light-generating microdots», one may fail, but they will never fail all. That is why its light is more constant and its performance more reliable. Furthermore, there is the particularity that these diodes are tremendously efficient when it comes to harnessing energy and transforming it into light. Hence, with less energy, we are able to generate more light than with conventional technology

Diodes use direct current (DC) for their operation, therefore LED lamps need internal circuits that transform the current into alternating current in order to work. Let’s not forget that standard installations are alternating current (AC).

Composition of an LED

In LED lamps the diodes are made up of a semiconductor emitting material that is mounted on a reflector chip. In addition, we have two conductive poles (negative or cathode and positive or anode). We also have a conductor cable through which the two poles are joined. Finally, the lens or capsule that protects the LED semiconductor.

LED operation

LED lamps base their operation on Photoelectric Principle stated by Albert Einstein. According to this principle, some materials generate light when subjected to the passage of electric current. The electrons pass through the diodes and become light.

This process is called electroluminescence and it is distinguished from “incandescence” in that it does not depend on the generation of heat as a result of the passage of electricity through a conductor (filament). As a consequence, the efficiency of the LED is much higher, since it uses the energy directly to generate light.

For this phenomenon to occur, it is necessary for an LED to be directly polarized. That is, a current must be circulated from “anode” (positive terminal) to “cathode” (negative terminal). When this happens the LED reacts by producing a “photon”. The photon originates when electrons are released from the conduction shells to the valence shells.

In this way electricity interacts with the diode in an LED lamp. In the process, the semiconductor material stores energy and that energy is expelled through the reflector chip of the LED lamp, thus producing the light.

LED efficiency

The great advantage of the LED is the efficiency of the diodes to transform electrical energy into light energy. Let’s remember that conventional light bulbs transform energy into heat and it is that heat that becomes light. That is, it needs two transformations to achieve its objective, with the consequent waste of energy. That is why LED luminaires can provide the same amount of light as conventional lamps but consuming less electrical energy, thus producing considerable electricity savings.

In addition, LED lamps have a much longer lifespan than conventional lamps.  which in the long run saves you money both in electricity consumption and in replacing light bulbs.

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