It is already known that LED technology has solved the lives of many of us. Where before we could illuminate a small area with a contracted power, because incandescent and halide bulbs have high powers, with LED lamps and spotlights we can illuminate large surfaces with much less power.

For example, a paddle tennis or tennis club that has changed to LED bulbs has less than half the consumption, so its electrical installation and contracted power may be sized to half in size. relative terms.

If we want to go one step further to achieve ideal lighting, we should take into account that LED spotlights are projectors, which 90% of them have an opening angle of 120º, this is good for illuminating large surfaces taking advantage of their high yields. And if we really want a substantial improvement, we have to get some asymmetric LED projectors with a special lens to illuminate paddle tennis courts , tennis and soccer.

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Tennis court in Almería illuminated with ProTour® LED asymmetrical spotlights

There are so many advantages of this type of asymmetric LED projectors that we can say that the price difference is worth it. All this because with the same power, at the end of the day it is electricity consumption that translates into savings. In addition, we have a much more illuminated area due to the special asymmetric lens that redirects the light to where we really need it. Also very important: thanks to the lens that the projector has built in, glare disappears to almost negligible levels. What makes these spotlights ideal for sports courts in paddle clubs in which the ball comes from high heights and where the players were previously «blinded» with the light from the court.

Against all odds, the spotlights are installed completely horizontally, this being the ideal position for perfect illumination of the sports court. With this, in addition, in neighborhood communities where they have paddle tennis courts, the advantage is even greater, since the neighboring homes no longer have any type of light disturbance, since the light from the asymmetric LED spotlight is directed exclusively at the track.

If you think that asymmetric LED spotlights have incredible advantages, it is because you are a connoisseur and, surely, a user of sports courts. You know that these features are amazing and if your paddle tennis or tennis court does not have this type of asymmetrical LED spotlights, you will surely want to have them now, the asymmetrical LED spotlights are here to stay.

Short video of asymmetrical spotlights on Antonio López Street, 195 in Madrid
Short video of asymmetrical spotlights on the tennis court

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